

Global epidemiology of rheumatoid arthritis
2023-07-17 09:27:06 조회수97
AUTHOR : Finckh A, Gilbert B, Hodkinson B, Bae SC, Thomas R, Deane KD, Alpizar-Rodriguez D, Lauper K.
JOURNAL : Nature reviews. Rheumatology
YEAR : 2022
VOL : Oct;18(10)
PAGE : 591-602


Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a systemic autoimmune disease that predominantly affects the joints. The prevalence of RA varies globally, with generally a higher prevalence in industrialized countries, which may be explained by exposures to environmental risk factors, but also by genetic factors, differing demographics and under-reporting in other parts of the world. Over the past three decades, strong trends of the declining severity of RA probably reflect changes in treatment paradigms and overall better management of the disease. Other trends include increasing RA prevalence. Common risk factors for RA include both modifiable lifestyle-associated variables and non-modifiable features, such as genetics and sex. A better understanding of the natural history of RA, and of the factors that contribute to the development of RA in specific populations, might lead to the introduction of specific prevention strategies for this debilitating disease.

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